
Act Fast: What To Do if House Flooding Occurs During a Storm

A flood can wreak havoc on a home. Floods are responsible for 90 percent of the U.S. natural disasters and costs an average of $4.4 billion.

There are many causes for flooding including burst pipes, heavy rains, sewer back-up, and faulty sump-pumps.

If your home is damaged by a flood, you need to act fast to minimize the damage.

Here’s what you should do if you experience house flooding and how you can get back to normal quickly. 

Prevent Additional Risks

First and foremost, you need to be safe. You may have to leave your home if the flooding is bad enough. Before you leave, you should turn off the power.

When you return, search for any visible structural damage like foundation cracks, holes, and warping. Do not enter if you see any damage to gas, electric, water, or sewer lines—contact the utility companies immediately.

Stop the Water if Possible

If your flooding is caused by something other than nature, find the source and turn it off. Turn off the main water valve of the house if needed. Make sure you know where your main valve is so you can access it during an emergency.

Take Pictures

Before your remove water, you should take photos or videos of the flooding and document the damage for your insurance company.

If you make repairs or remove water ahead of time, you could decrease the amount of your coverage.

Wear Protective Gear

Even if the water appears clear, it could be contaminated. You should wear waders and waterproof gloves. Rubber gloves are also essential to wear as you begin looking at your stuff. 

Throw away any food that has touched the water. You should also boil your water until you are certain the water supply is safe.

Remove Water

Depending on how deep the flood is, you may need to use different procedures to remove water. You can bail water out with bins and buckets. You can also use a hose to drain larger amounts of water out of the basement. 

You can use a wet vacuum to remove remaining water after levels decrease. The wet vacuum can also help remove water from floors and carpets. 


Begin Drying

Even if you remove the standing water, you need to start drying because everything will stay wet and damp, and mold can start growing within 24 hours. Start running a dehumidifier for closed-off spaces like a basement. They remove the excess moisture from the air. 

Try to get as much airflow as possible to help dry. This includes running fans and your air conditioner fans. For extensive damage, you may want to consider flood restoration services.

Clean Up

Make sure you contact your insurance company as soon as you stop the water and get pictures of the damage. You can then start working on any repairs needed. You will need to go through your belongings to see what is salvageable. 

A professional restoration service can help you determine what is safe to keep and what needs to be thrown out. They can also help you with the cleanup process to make sure you get your home back to normal as quickly as possible. 

Preparing for House Flooding Final Thoughts

Seeing your house flooding is a scary sight. You must act quickly to help minimize your damage. Follow the steps in this article to protect your home.

Keep checking out our blog for other home advice or you can search our site for your next home.