Color Me Intrigued! 7 Cool Facts About Color Psychology and Your Interior Decor

So, it’s time to decorate. You’ve got the budget, and you’ve got the time, all you are missing is the right color. 

Nowadays we are spoiled for choice when it comes to color options. Just look at how many different shades of white there are! How can you choose when you are overloaded with options?

Well, there is a solution and one that has scientific backing. Keep reading to learn how color psychology can help you pick the very best color scheme for your home.

1. Colors Trigger Active or Passive Emotions

Colors can be used to trigger emotions in people. These are predominantly split between active emotion or passive emotion. Red and orange are most commonly associated as being active emotion stimulators, while blues and greens fall on the passive side of the list. 

This is important to keep in mind when decorating and moving from room to room. It will not only help you keep your house in balance but allow you to create the right emotion for each room.

One thing you don’t want to do when choosing your interior colors is to pick a shade that has people cowering in fear. Yet that is exactly what some colors can do. It’s rare and doesn’t seem to be linked to a single color, but Chromophobia is real and should not be ignored. 

It’s hard to decorate based on a possibility but if you or anyone in your family should suffer from this condition, it is, of course, a wise choice to avoid the trigger colors, whatever they may be. 

3. Yellow is a Color that Just Doesn’t Fly

The color yellow has been known to cause people to feel dizzy and nauseous. If you pay attention, you will also notice that is it used very infrequently in advertising. If you want to decorate with color psychology it’s sensible to avoid using it in your home too. 

Sure, small splashes of yellow can work well, but avoid relying on it as a base color. The last thing you want is to have guests come to stay and then leave feeling as though they have been through three rounds on a rollercoaster. 

4. Colors Make a Powerful First Impression

First impressions are important, but many people don’t realize just how big of a role colors can actually play in making that impression a good one. Going for a job interview? Blues and blacks are a good choice, but orange is generally considered a no go color.

If you are decorating, the same principles apply. Think about the impression you want to make and choose your colors accordingly. It’s also important to not hide your own personality, so find that balance because the right impression is always the most honest impression. 

5. Red is a Different Color to Men and Women

There are many different shades of red in the color spectrum, yet it is now a scientific fact that men and women see different shades. It’s all due to the double x chromosome that women have. It enables them to see a broader range of red shades. 

Science backs it, so no more arguing in the paint aisle about which shade you should choose for the living room walls. Either pick a shade you can both see, or guys, let your ladies pick the shade. 

6. Colors Can Fool the Mind

Ever stood in a perfectly warm room and felt cold? Perhaps the other way around and felt a little warm in a room with red decor? It’s because the colors used can, in certain cases, fool the mind. From the weight of an object to our perception of temperature, color can be a real trickster. 

This is one place where color psychology and decor go hand in hand. Choosing the right color for the right room is not just a matter of matching up tastes, but also creating the right atmosphere. Do you want a cool bedroom or a warm living room? The colors you choose have a grander impact than we could ever realize. 

7. We Live in a Blue World

With so many colors to choose from you might say it is difficult to choose a favorite, yet across the globe, there is a clear and firm favorite color shared by the majority of us. That color is blue! 

This is a handy thing to keep in mind when using color psychology for decor because if you are decorating a property for someone else, a family member, or a future tenant, then you have a good staple color to fall back on should the need arise. 

In this case, playing favorites isn’t a bad thing.

Decorate Your Home Based on Color Psychology 

Of course, there is a little more to decorating your home than just the color you put on the walls. But, if you use the concept of color psychology you can rest assured that you will get the best color scheme for you. 

Of course, knowing what colors you should be working with is great, but it’s even better if you have that set in your mind before you even move into the property. Decorating a new home is thrilling, and doing so with a clear plan only makes it even more so. 

Looking for a new home? Check out the rest of our site and maybe you will find the property of your dreams. Don’t see anything you like? No sweat. Just get in touch and we can help you keep looking.