How Long Do Roofs Last? 3 Major Warning Signs You Need a New Roof

Your roof is the most critical structure in your home. Not only does it protect your interior from the weather, but it also holds your entire house together.

How long do roofs last? How can you tell if my roof needs to be replaced? What are the signs I need a new roof?

Whether you’re a new home buyer or a long-time property owner, you need to make sure your building’s roof is in tip-top shape.

Keep reading to get all of your roofing questions answered.

How Long Do Roofs Last?

The durability of your roof depends on:

  • Roofing materials
  • Maintenance and workmanship
  • Weather

Most roofs are designed to last 30 years, though some can last up to 50.

Cheaper roofing materials, such as low-end shingles, might not be able to weather a heavy storm. Metal roofing or slate shingles are durable and provide long-term protection.

Regular residential and commercial roof repair and maintenance lengthen the roof’s lifespan.

General roof and attic inspections identify problems early on. Regular gutter and downspout maintenance clear out debris that weighs heavily on your home’s structure. Chimney, skylight, and vent cleanings clear creosote and other harmful materials from around your roof.

Warning Signs of a Bad Roof

Investing in a roof is never a bad decision. A new roof can provide a 107% return on investment, making it the highest payoff of a single home renovation project.

There are a few new roof signs homeowners should be aware of. Let’s review them.

1. Your Shingles Are Falling Apart

Roofing shingles should lie flat against your roof. If your shingles are buckling, cupped, cracked, faded, or rotting, then they need to be replaced. Check for deteriorating shingles or bald spots where the granules are missing.

Weak and damaged shingles make your roof unsteady and may not be able to protect your home from the next big rainstorm.

2. Streaks on Your Ceiling

You don’t need to climb onto the top of your building to determine if you need a new roof.

Go to the top floor of your home and inspect the ceiling. Look for noticeable dark streaks and stains. If your roof is growing weaker, water will leak through and create damage to your ceiling.

Don’t ignore this damage. While they may start small, water damage can escalate and create widespread problems.

Regular roof cleaning in Orlando, FL can help prevent streaks on your ceiling by removing the buildup of dirt, grime, and algae on your roof. When these substances accumulate on your roof, they can cause water to pool and seep into your home through small cracks and crevices in your roof.

3. Rotting Wood

Wooden and asphalt roofs are susceptible to rotting as they age. If you’re worried about a bad roof, check your roof for missing, broken, and decomposing tiles.

You may also notice moss growing around your shingles. Rotting wood is damp and cool, creating the perfect environment for mold to thrive.

You can clear away small patches of moss without damaging your shingles. However, you need to replace your roof if you notice widespread moss growth and rotting roof tiles.

Proper Roof Maintenance Is Crucial to Roof Longevity

So, how long do roofs last? Like most home structures, regular maintenance leads to fewer problems, quick repairs, and a sturdy, long-lasting roof over your head.

If you’re looking for more home improvement tips, check out our blog. From selling your property to pet-proofing an apartment, we’ve got all the helpful guides you’re looking for.