
Is It Cheaper to Buy a Shed or Build One?

She Sheds are gaining popularity all over the world. Like the man cave, the She Shed is a garden retreat where women can go sit, read, paint, knit, exercise, or just get away from the house.

Even a basic shed that isn’t as glamourous is very useful. It keeps things like lawnmowers and garden tools handy. It also protects your summer furniture and BBQ when not in use.

But is it cheaper to buy a shed or build one? Read on to find out. 

Building a Shed from a Kit

Many box stores carry shed kits. You can also order sheds Melbourne online and have it delivered to your home.

These sheds come in a flat-pack box with all the pieces pre-cut and drilled.

You can get everything from simple sheds to large, fancy models in kits. 

Depending on how handy you are and how complicated your kit is, you could spend a day, a weekend, or a few weeks putting these types of sheds together.

Is it cheaper to build a shed or buy one? The answer requires you to factor in some other variable. 

Take into account the cost for other materials such as the base your shed will sit on. This is not included in the kit. Usually, the kits also don’t include flooring which is another cost to calculate. 

Buying a Shed and Paying for Professional Installation 

If you are not handy, you might choose to buy a shed kit and pay for a professional to put it together for you.

Many people who do this, quickly find out that this can get quite expensive. Even with inexpensive shed kis, the cost of labor, materials, and other costs can be more than triple the cost of the shed kit.

Building a Shed From Materials

Another option for a backyard shed is to build it to your specifications from parts.

Most of the time, building a shed from parts is significantly cheaper than buying a pre-fab kit. That’s because you will have to do all the work of cutting and measuring yourself. 

This method allows you to choose the materials and sizes you want. You don’t have to compromise on materials or workmanship.

Yet, building a shed from scratch does require a high level of skill. If you are an amateur and this is your first time building a shed, it will likely take you much longer than you anticipated.

Don’t forget that mistakes add up. If you mess up and need to buy more material, that makes the total cost of your project go up.

The good thing about building a shed this way is that you have full control over the budget.

It is easier to stick to a budget when you know how much items cost and you can decide where that money goes.

You can choose to add in a window and opt for less insulation for example. These are the types of decisions you can make in order to stay on budget.

So, Is It Cheaper to Buy a Shed or Build One?

At the end of the day, there is no easy answer to the question, “is it cheaper to buy a shed or build one?”.

There are so many variables to consider including whether you will have professionals build it, and whether you will buy a kit or buy the parts. We hope that this article has given you the information you need in order to make the right decision for your needs.

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