Oklahoma Bound: 10 Moving Tips to Try

Moving is no picnic. In fact, they say if you truly want to test your friendship with someone, ask them to help you move. 

However, as much of a chore as it is, it doesn’t have to be completely miserable. With the right moving tips, your experience can be streamlined and pain-free (assuming you lift with your legs and not your back).

Keep reading for our top 10 essential moving tips.

Moving Tips to Streamline Your Move

Planning for your move ahead of time will prevent a lot of headaches. The last thing you want is to be scrambling last-minute. Here’s how to prepare for your move.

1. Start Collecting Boxes Early

You need to start collecting boxes months in advance to your move, if possible. You can get them from retail stores, moving companies or from friends and family. If you end up with extra, donate or recycle them.

2. Declutter

Next, one of the most helpful moving tips is learning what you can leave behind. Start decluttering your home–it will make the move much, much easier. You can start selling your stuff online, donating it, or trashing useless junk.

3. Pack Keepsakes and Other Non-Essentials in Advance

Once you’ve separated what you want to keep and what you want to let go of, start packing all of your non-essentials. These include keepsakes, decor, unused furniture, etc. 

This will give you a leg up and help you stay organized.

4. Decide if You Want to Hire Movers 

Next, you can decide if you want to hire movers or do all the work yourself. Depending on your situation, schedule, and physical ability, you may be better off to hire movers. Do what’s right for you.

5. Use the Right Moving Materials

One of the best moving tips is learning to use the right moving materials. This includes everything from packing materials to casters and trollies. These essentials can streamline the entire process.

6. Stay Organized

Next, it’s important to avoid letting things get chaotic while moving. Staying organized is the best way to speed things along and prevent losing or damaging your possessions.

7. Cancel Your Services

You also need to remember to notify all of the current services of your moving date. This means canceling your utilities, internet, phone lines, etc. You definitely don’t want to be paying to heat and cool a house you don’t live in anymore.

8. Take Care of Your Mail

Another vital moving tip is notifying the post office of your move, giving them a forwarding address. This is temporary, however, and you must permanently change your address to the people and/or companies who send you mail.

9. Pack an Overnight Bag

An often over-looked moving tip is packing an overnight bag with personal essentials. This includes a change of clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, and other personal products.

10. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Finally, perhaps the most important moving tip is learning how to go with the flow. Things rarely work out perfectly, you can’t sweat the small stuff. Learn how to adapt and overcome inconveniences, delays, etc.

Start Now

Of all the moving tips, one thing we highly recommend is starting as soon as possible. The earlier you get a headstart on this process, the smoother it will go.

Good luck, and remember to check out the rest of the articles for other important news and advice.