This Is How to Tell If You Have Mice in Your Home

It’s the worst nightmare for many homeowners—a mice infestation. Mice may be tiny and even considered cute by some, but they can do serious damages to both your home and your health.

Mice can easily get into your home, especially in colder months, and may like it so much they decide not to leave. Are you wondering how to tell if you have mice in your home?

It’s not always easy to see mice, but you may notice evidence that they’ve moved in without your permission. Keep reading to find some of the most common ways to tell if you have mice in your home.

How to Tell If You Have Mice? Look for Droppings

One of the telltale signs of mice in a home is their droppings. You may notice the droppings before you ever even see a mouse!

Mice droppings look like small, dark brown pellets. They are quite small and usually around ¼ inch in size.

If the droppings look darker and dry, they are probably older. You can find them anywhere in a home, but they’re often seen in drawers, on floorboards, or behind items of furniture.

While droppings may seem harmless, both mice and their excrement can carry diseases. These include hantavirus and hemorrhagic fever, which can be serious to humans.

You may also see or smell urine from the mice, also commonly spotted near the walls or along the floorboards of a house. The urine tends to smell like ammonia and can be hard to get rid of, even after the mice are gone.

Listen for Sounds in the Walls and Ceiling

Scampering sounds are the most common signs of mice in walls. Mice are very tiny, but they can make much more noise than you may imagine!

You may hear the pitter-patter of small footsteps or a fast scampering sound as the mice run back and forth between the walls and ceiling. These noises are frequently heard in the evenings and may wake you up at night.

Calling a mice pest control company is the best way to remove unwanted pests from your home and help you and your family sleep more soundly.

Unusual Smells

Wondering how to tell if you have mice? Use your nose.

Mice don’t smell particularly pleasant, especially in large numbers. You may notice a musty or dirty smell, and you may even notice the smell of dead animals.

It’s not uncommon for mice to die within the home, and you may smell their remains. It’s a horrible odor and definitely something you will want to deal with right away.

Your Pets May Be Acting Up

If you have dogs or cats at home, they may notice the mice before you do. Animals have a much more defined sense of smell than humans and can pick up on smells we never notice.

Your pets also spend more time on the floor than we do, so they may see a mouse scurry around and notice it. If your pets seem to be chasing something, acting unusual, or barking at seemingly nothing, this could be because they’ve spotted a mouse in the home.

Mice may also eat through a bag of dog or cat food, so make sure your pet’s food hasn’t been tampered with. You may want to store it in an airtight container that mice can’t get into, such as metal or aluminum.

Look for Marks on Furniture

Mice, along with rats and most rodents, are known for their chewing. They have teeth that grow constantly, so gnawing and chewing is necessary to help wear them down.

If mice are in your home, they are going to be looking for things they can gnaw on. Unfortunately, they love to gnaw on wood or plastic, so your furniture is likely to be a target.

Keep an eye out for markings on table or chair legs, TV stands, or bookshelves. They also love cardboard, so if you’re storing boxed items in the basement or attic, this is sure to attract their attention.

Once mice get into cardboard, they will not only eat holes in the box but will also damage the contents inside and litter it with droppings—a real mess. Or, they may make nests within the cardboard, giving birth to offspring.

The last thing you want is rodents destroying your valuable furniture or family heirlooms, so call a pest removal service as soon as you notice these signs.

Check for Footprints

Mice aren’t known for their cleanliness, so you’re likely to see footprints in your home. When they walk through water or even their own urine), dust, or dirty surfaces, they will leave little footprints.

If you notice footprints, it’s solid evidence that you have a mice infestation. You may notice them anywhere in the house, but particularly in the kitchen, basement, or near any food storage areas.

Seek Professional Help If You Notice Signs of Mice

As you can see, there are many signs that mice may be in your home, even if you can’t see them. Mice are extremely small and timid, so you may see evidence that they are in your house without ever actually seeing a mouse.

Now that you know that answer to ‘how to tell if you have mice’, do any of the points above apply to your home? If so, there’s a good chance that you have a problem with mice or rodents.

In that case, the best solution is to call a mice control company in your area. They can visit your property, check for signs of mice, and advise on the best treatment options for removal.

Soon, your home will be free of mice, bringing peace of mind to you and your family.

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