
Winter Lawn Care 101: How to Keep Your Lawn Super Healthy

You’re an avid gardener who enjoys planting and lawn care. Your grass is fresh and lively during the spring and summer months.

However, your lawn turns brown in the winter, and your plants shrivel away. You feel dejected every winter because all of your gardening work withers away when winter arrives.

This winter, however, you want your garden to remain green. You know some winter lawn care tips, but you don’t know how to keep your garden fresh. You also don’t know if keeping your grass green during cold weather is possible.

Can winter grass remain green?

The answer is yes. You can keep your lawn evergreen through such measures as fertilizer, a lawnmower, and seeds. With these tips, you can secure adequate grass growth using nutrients and basic lawn care.

This article will provide an in-depth look into winter grass care during colder months. Let’s explore.

Mow Closer to the Ground

Move your lawnmower down a notch your two when mowing your grass. Mowing closer to the ground removes all thatch and excess grass from the area.

Mow the lawn with two passes. Take the following steps when mowing the lawn:

  • The first pass should cut the grass in half.
  • The second pass should remove lingering growth.
  • Remove all grass clippings to secure proper growth.

With that, cutting winter grass too short can expose the plant crown to the cold weather. Leave some grass left to make room for the seeding process.

Apply Fertilizer

Use fertilizer on your lawn to stimulate root growth. Winter lawn fertilizing will give your lawn a healthy amount of nutrients.

Use a spreader to apply the fertilizer evenly. Refer to the manufacturing instructions before spreading the fertilizer. Excessive fertilizer can burn your lawn.

Choose a fertilizer that’s high in phosphorus and potassium. Avoid the use of fertilizers with nitrogen if possible. Nitrogen-based fertilizers work best on mature grass and foliage. After 10 days of fertilization, proceed with the following steps:

  • Check the lawn for winter grass
  • Mow the grass for the first time
  • Reseed where necessary

Reseed the lawn in places where grass failed to grow. When reseeding parts of the lawn, it’s best to do so by hand. Make sure that the seeds contact the soil. If you contend with heavy snow during the winter, contact a Snow Removal specialist to gain access to the ground.

When planting the seeds, use a rake and some water to loosen the earth. After, cover the seeds with an inch of dirt. Water the bare parts at least two or three times to daily until you see green.

Seed the Lawn

In addition to patching, you’ll want to seed your entire lawn. The best grass seed to use is ryegrass.

To spread the seed on a bigger scale, use a spreader when planting the seeds. When using the spreader, turn the dial to the highest setting available.

Overall, ten pounds of seeding is the best choice for most lawns. Ten pounds is ideal for every 1,000 square feet of lawn space.

Since the typical lawn is 5,000 feet, 50 pounds would be a suitable amount. Apply the seed evenly around the lawn to avoid clumping.

What are the Best Winter Lawn Care Tips to Remember?

Fertilizer is a primary element that will give the grass its luster due to its rich nutrient source. Moreover, reseeding various parts of the lawn will help you deal with bare patches that fail to grow. When it comes to winter lawn care, remove all litter and debris that may stand in the way of growth.

Interested in reading more? Read more to learn about interesting home-based topics.

Don’t forget that you can also rely on lawn edging experts to help keep up the care for your lawn. Instead of doing it yourself, they can help you get your lawn in an aesthetic shape that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to without the skillset.